Monday 14 October 2013

Entrepreneurship and business plans

Today I learn what it is to be an entrepreneur..... It seems that to be a successful entrepreneur that you must have good knowledge in your field, take risks, be inavative, a leader and an inventor. Most entrepreneurs fail on their first attempts but the secret is to learn from your failings and plan for success.

We also learnt the importants of writing a business plan.  "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail". Wise words! We had visitors from Natwest bank to advise and give tips of how to write a good business plan. It was great to learn from them as well.

Next we have a session on social networking and I'm looking forward to learn more about how networking can boost a business. Angharad and I are very excited for the folk dancing tonight- sounds fun and a way to socialise with the other participants.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you learned a lot and can use it at home! Great! :D
